Sciuscia (aka Shoeshine) (1946)

Sciuscia (aka Shoeshine) (1946) – Italian

Run time: 1h 33min | Drama
Director: Vittorio De Sica
Writers: Sergio Amidei, Adolfo Franci
Stars: Rinaldo Smordoni, Franco Interlenghi, Annielo Mele
In Rome at the end of World War II, two young boys, fast friends, make their living shining the boots of American GIs occupying the city. They fall inadvertently foul of the law and are sent to a reform school where they are brutally mistreated and their friendship begins to deteriorate as a result. The film, made two years before De Sica’s masterpiece BICYCLE THIEVES, received an Honorary Award at the 1948 Academy Awards for its high quality (the precursor of what was later to be the Award for Best Foreign Language Film).


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