You are invited to promote your business to our members!
Toronto Film Society (est. 1948), one of Canada’s oldest film appreciation groups, shows expertly-curated film series on a year-’round basis at the Innis Town Hall Theatre, which is located on Sussex Avenue, just south of Bloor, on University of Toronto’s downtown campus. Our three film series are: the Fall/Winter Monday Evening Film Buffs Series; the Fall/Winter Sunday Matinée Film Buffs Series; and the Monday Night Summer Series. TFS also holds monthly Sunday matinée special event screenings at the Kingsway Theatre on Bloor St W, just west of Royal York Road.
Advertise on Toronto Film Society’s website – here – and/or on the individual screening’s programme notes. TFS fans and members keep those notes so this is your opportunity to reach out to them with your brand and your products.
Toronto Film Society – Advertising Rates
Program notes are handed out with each series or festival. A series of 7 evenings or 7 matinees means
Seven different program notes with your ad appearing in each of the program notes.
Choose your advertising to appear for one festival, one series or for all series and the festival in print.
Print advertising rates per Fall/Winter Monday Evening series, Fall/Winter Sunday Matinee series, Summer series or May Movie Magic Festival
[ ] Business card size print ad (copy of your business card or artwork you supply) – $250You also have an opportunity to become a TFS corporate sponsor and promote your brand to our patrons.
To discuss your advertising or sponsorship needs please contact us at
Payment by PayPal at or cheques/money orders (no cash) to Toronto Film Society, in care of Arnold Miller, Treasurer, 140 Joanna Crescent, Thornhill, ON L4J 5G2.
Toronto Film Society – Become a Corporate Sponsor
You have the opportunity to promote your company and brand to devotees of classic films on Toronto Film Society’s website and each film screening printed program notes with your generous corporate sponsorship with three film series and two film festivals over the course of each year.
Your corporate logo and sponsorship acknowledgement can appear on 35 different sets of Famous Film Notes for the entire Fall/Winter Film Buff Series (Mondays and Sundays), the Summer Monday evening Film Buff Series, the May Movie Magic Festival and other TFS festivals.
Patron and corporate sponsorships ensures that your generosity is announced at the start of each film screening, your logo is positioned on the TFS web pages with links to your organization’s web page and on the Film Notes. Individual stores can include their addresses in the advertising.
Website and Film Notes Sponsorship rates:
[ ] Patron Sponsorship – $2,500+Other possibilities for promoting your sponsorship and advertising would be at TFS Special Events held at other venues.
Contact us at
Payment by Paypal at or cheques/money orders made payable to Toronto Film Society, in care of Arnold Miller, Treasurer, 140 Joanna Crescent, Thornhill, ON L4J 5G2