
The membership period for Toronto Film Society runs from September 1 to August 31 of any given year, with the Annual General Meeting held in September. Purchase of a membership to any Film Buffs series automatically enrolls you as a member in Toronto Film Society.

You may choose either a full series membership by joining the Sunday and/or Monday Buffs, or a “Pick 7” membership.

Series Membership - $125

Purchase of any of the film series memberships entitles you to entrance to all 7 of the single-bills included in that particular series. Choose from the Fall/Winter Monday Night Film Buffs and Sunday Matinee Film Buffs series which runs from September to April, or the Summer Series which runs from the beginning of July to the end of August.  All Memberships can be purchased below.

'Pick 7' Membership - $125

The Fall/Winter Monday Night Film Buffs and Sunday Matinee Film Buffs series run concurrently from September to April for a total of 7 single-bills with 14 films. If you can’t commit to all 14 films yet can’t decide between the Monday and Sunday series, the “Pick 7” Membership is for you. With a “Pick 7” membership you will receive a pass card that allows you access to 7 single-bills of your choice from both the Monday Night and Sunday Matinee Film Buff Series.  “Pick 7” Memberships can be purchased below.


Order Information

Film Buff Membership
Item Total
Sunday Series
Monday Series
Pick 7 Series
Summer Series

Information About Toronto Film Society Membership

The Toronto Film Society is incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario. Membership is open to people of all ages. Admission to screenings is by membership only. Memberships are not transferable. The name and home address of every member must be on record. The Toronto Film Society does not sell, rent or lend its membership/mailing list. Volunteering for the Toronto Film Society is always welcome but is not a requisite of membership.

The membership year is from September 1 to August 31, with the Annual General Meeting in September. Membership cards for the current season should be retained until August 31 of the current season and cannot be replaced. Due to circumstances beyond its control the Toronto Film Society may occasionally have to substitute screening date, place or the scheduled film.

You automatically become a member for a given season (September 1 to August 31) when you join one of our Film Series.

To receive more information about the Toronto Film Society, please forward your name and address to us:

Address: Toronto Film Society
35 Brucewood Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M6A 2G7