To the Members: –
There has been a growing recognition by your Board of Directors that a healthy organization depends on a well-informed and actively participating membership. The Members’ Participation Committee, made up of interested volunteers, has, therefore, been appointed to deal with the double-barrelled task of making available information about the many aspects of films and film making and encouraging member participation in the activities of the organization.
As you will see at the next meeting, the Committee has already set up a Magazine and Book Service. To further enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of films it is considering plans–
(1) to hold simultaneous showings of films and slides in the lobby and auditorium before 8.15, thus providing opportunities for the screening of films and slides made or suggested by members;
(2) to provide technical information in program notes, whenever necessary;
(3) to encourage more members to express their opinions about films; and
(4) to include speakers in specialized fields on future programs whenever the programs require it.
You can help this Committee and start participating by sending ideas, suggestions and criticisms to the Chairman, or leaving them in the Suggestion Box at the next meeting.
Season 77 is lovingly dedicated to our dear friend and longtime board member Frances Blau. Our 10-programme Sunday Matinée Series is sponsored by Susan Murray in honour of Richard...